Thursday, May 27, 2010

Lights, Camera, ............Action.

"Ideas are ultimately worthless unless you activate them with focused and consistent action. The best leaders never leave the site of a good idea without doing something, no matter how small, to breath some light into it. Lots of people have good ideas. But the masters became masters because they had the courage and conviction to act on ideas."

A powerful idea is absolutely fascinating and utterly useless until we choose to act on it.

The above extract taken from a fantastic book I am currently reading by Robin Sharma, The Leader Who Had No Title.

Earlier this year I was involved in holding a seminar here in Perth, with over 120 primary producers attending. Our Living Soils Conference covered many aspects of sustainable broad acre farming systems. The most important aspect we promoted during the day was to act on something from the day. It could have been a soil test to know exactly what you are dealing with, or an on farm visit from me to discuss your current management practices and make subtle changes initially to take the first step. Again, it doesn't matter how small a first step, just take that step.

It can be very difficult in the current farming economic climate to change what we know, or what we do.

You have to have the courage and belief to change. But believe me, once you make that first smart step, the rest becomes easier. And as I have said previously the more you move forward, the more you learn. You are taking action and, bingo you are getting results.

So next time you hear of a good idea or system, don't talk it up then do nothing, act upon that idea. Follow through, learn more and implement a system.

Now that's Smart Thinking, Smart Farming.

Keep your green light on.

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