Thursday, August 13, 2015

Ground Control to Major Tom.

Commencing countdown, engines on. Check ignition and may God's love be with you.

Now before you go any further in this blog, you must watch this video from Commander Chris Hadfield, from his time on the International Space Station.
While you are watching and listening, I want you to reflect on, well........... just about everything in your life.

I will get back to you in a few minutes after you have seen the video.

Please, you must watch this video first, and full screen it to get the full effect.

How do you feel?  What are you thinking now?   Isn't this place earth absolutely amazing?
I don't need to hear your answers to those questions. Those answers are for yourself.

But I do have a question I would love to hear your answer.
What are you doing to take care of your little patch of Planet Earth?

On Monday night on the ABC TV, Commander Chris Hadfield was on Q&A. Quick, get on iview if you haven't seen it. What an amazing inspirational leader.
A question from the audience asked Commander Hadfield, "So many of us want to change aspects of ourselves, or our life, how do you, or how did you fundamentally change your self with the challenges you faced?
His response resonated with me so much, I couldn't wait for a couple of spare moments to write this blog.

To summarize his answer, he spoke of the fact the he spent 5 months in space, 5 months, but 50% of the risk was within the first 9 minutes. The Launch is Risky. (I will come back to that in a minute)
Commander Hadfield went onto talk about Fear. How do you face up to danger in your life? How do you overcome the fear of taking the next step or doing something that is out of your comfort zone? "We just basically say, I wont do that because I'm afraid."

"All of those experiences you deny yourself from doing, have a richness, that maybe make them worth doing." "How do you change yourself to over come that fear, to do something that is, taking a risk for?"
His comments were, "early on giving yourself a definition what success might look like. If these things go perfectly, how am I going to end up? What am I really trying to accomplish with my life? Because that, then lets you choose what you want to do next."
"Set the pathways in place you need to make your outcomes happen. The key question is not what to do in 5 years, 10 years, 20 years, The real hard question is what to do next. That's the real key to change your self,"
"Give your self long term definitions of how you want this to turn out, so it helps you choose the small things you need to change about yourself, so that you can separate danger from fear, and work out the risks worth taking. It's amazing where each of those little steps can take you."

Click here to see the full interview
He tackles that question around the 30 minute mark if you want to forward to that part only.

"The Launch is Risky" Commander Chris Hadfield

Launch - Definition
: To set going, to initiate.
: To give (someone or something) a start.
: To begin a new venture, or phase.

The first step in any new venture we take on, is invariably the hardest step of all. Sometimes we think things can be too daunting, or we fear too much on what may go wrong, or what people will say.

So to, is that feeling for a many number of Primary Producers, when it comes to looking at Biological Agriculture or Nutrition Farming Practices. It need not be that way. You need to take the blinkers off, peel back the layers of your thinking and take action. You must take the first step. The Launch.

As we have just seen above the outcomes from Commander Chris Hadfield, once you have set your goals in place, your outcomes can be achieved.

So take action, take the first step, launch your self into your next challenge

And know that the support structure is right there with you.
I have a network of like minded producers all through the broad acre sectors of WA that have "launched" on there journeys, and are seeing things from a very different, but a very achievable outcome.
We as a collective look forward to you joining our network, to build relationships, knowledge and solutions, in agriculture in WA.

So what are you doing to take care of your little patch of Planet Earth?

Now That's Smart Thinking, Smart Farming.

Keep Your Green Light On.

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